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Multicast in the Cloud for Broadcasters

Multicast in the Cloud for Financial Services

Moving broadcast networks to the cloud

Broadcast and video producers can finally harness the power of cloud networks for their most demanding workflows.

Solutions for your industry needs

Industry Solutions

Standards Conversion with Tachyon LIVE

Perform real-time frame rate conversion, deinterlacing and resolution adjustment for live production workflows in the cloud with industry standard transport protocols.

For more information, click below:
Tachyon Live with cloudSwXtch
Industry Solutions

Network Path Redundancy. SMPTE 2022-7.

Protect your content with cloudSwXtch’s SMPTE 2022-7 hitless merge. Disaster recovery, emergency planning, business continuity, high-availability

For more information, click below:
Tachyon Live with cloudSwXtch
Industry Solutions

Live Production With PTP

Enable time alignment for your video and audio streams, making the cloud behave as an on-premise media workflow. Ideal for live and remote production workflows for content creators, networks, sports leagues, and distribution partners to move complex contribution and distribution workloads between cloud and broadcast networks.

For more information, click below:
Tachyon Live with cloudSwXtch
Industry Solutions

Remote Production Collaboration

Unify your geographically disparate worksites with remote production collaboration. Synch your remote worksites with PTP in the cloud. Ideal for production and post-productions workflows.

For more information, click below:
Tachyon Live with cloudSwXtch
Industry Solutions

Channel Assembly & Distribution

Fanout streams in any supported protocol (multicast, unicast, or SRT) to multiple destinations. Ideal for playout, production, test & measurement, and multiviewer monitoring workflows and channel distribution.

For more information, click below:
Tachyon Live with cloudSwXtch
Industry Solutions

Network Path Redundancy. SMPTE 2022-7.

Protect your content with cloudSwXtch’s SMPTE 2022-7 hitless merge. Disaster recovery, emergency planning, business continuity, high-availability

Industry Solutions

Live Production With PTP

Enable time alignment for your video and audio streams, making the cloud behave as an on-premise media workflow. Ideal for live and remote production workflows for content creators, networks, sports leagues, and distribution partners to move complex contribution and distribution workloads between cloud and broadcast networks.

Industry Solutions

Remote Production Collaboration

Unify your geographically disparate worksites with remote production collaboration. Synch your remote worksites with PTP in the cloud. Ideal for production and post-productions workflows.

Industry Solutions

Live Production With PTP

Enable time alignment for your video and audio streams, making the cloud behave as an on-premise media workflow. Ideal for live and remote production workflows for content creators, networks, sports leagues, and distribution partners to move complex contribution and distribution workloads between cloud and broadcast networks.

Industry Solutions

Achieve operational simplicity

Reduce path complexity with simple one-to-many behavior, regardless of network protocol, from SRT to Unicast and Multicast

Your bridge to the cloud.

cloudSwXtch bridges on-premises and cloud networks at the data layer using the latest technical standards SMPTE 2110 and 2022-7 for seamless, uninterrupted, production-quality video.

Bare metal parity

Achieve microsecond latencies and high bandwidth throughput at a scale similar to bare metal networks.

Network Protocol Conversion and Fanout

cloudSwXtch takes any supported packet protocol (SRT, unicast, multicast) and fans it out to multiple receivers of another packet protocol. For example, users can forward a unicast stream to multiple receivers as unicast or a combination of unicast, multicast, or SRT depending on the receiver's capability. Likewise, a multicast or SRT stream can be transmitted to multiple receivers while also mapping the stream to many unicast devices, alleviating the need for the sending device to support both protocols.

No code changes

Move your existing applications to the cloud as-is. Significantly reduce your migration costs and timeframe.

High availability

Protect your packets by sending them down redundant data paths - across virtual networks, regions or clouds.

2022-7 Hitless Merge

cloudswXtch’s hitless merge feature incorporates the latest SMPTE 2022-7 standard for transmitting a single reconstructed output stream through two or more redundant IP networks.

cloudSwXtch is built for broadcasters

We provide an end-to-end media & entertainment solution to get you going in the cloud. Download our data sheet to learn more now.


Industry Partners

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Contact us


People are talking about cloudSwXtch!

“With cloudSwXtch, our customers can launch a virtualized multicast router to extend an on-premises standards-compliant network to the cloud.”

Mo Goyal

International Business Management, Evertz

“Every other technology that’s out there is just looking at data streams, cloudSwXtch understands broadcast data streams – it’s a massive game changer in our industry.”

Harry Grinling

CEO, Support Partners

Mollis Porta Justo

Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.

  • Mollis Porta Justo
  • Mollis Porta Justo
  • Mollis Porta Justo

Magna Pharetra

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Donec sed odio dui.

  • Donec
  • Nullam quis risus eget
  • Donec
  • Nullam quis risus eget
  • Nullam quis risus eget

Elit Tortor

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec sed odio dui.

  • Duis mollis
  • commodo luctus
  • Duis mollis

Aenean Risus

Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

  • Ullamcorper Pellentesque Cursus
  • Pellentesque
  • Ullamcorper Pellentesque Cursus
  • Ullamcorper Cursus
  • Ullamcorper Pellentesque Cursus

Tab #1

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.

  • Risus Fermentum
  • Risus Fermentum
  • Malesuada Vehicula Cursus
  • Dapibus Fusce
  • Consectetur Dapibus Cras Tellus

Use Cases



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